Science Competition Winner
Well done to our Junior competition winner who has won a copy of Sheila Kanani's 'Are There Rainbows in Space' Book.
Two teams progressed onto the Lancashire School Games finals today.
Lancashire's 2nd place overall boy!
Well done Jack!
Your Heyhouses family is SO proud of you!
Day and Night in Science
In Science this week, we learned about why we have day and night. We made models to show how the Earth spins on it's axis and this causes day and night. We also talked about time differences between countries and looked up some countries and their times on a big map.
Sports Day for Year 3 and 4
We had a great time on Sports Day. Year 3 and 4 teams worked really well together and all children had lots of fun.
Maggots on Tour!
The Matilda 'maggots' went to North Pier and performed their famous dance on stage!
Athletics Champions!
Well done to the Year 4 and 6 children who represented Heyhouses in an Athletics competition held at Stanley Park!
Out of fourteen schools, they came first!
Drumming in Year 3
We had a super (and very noisy) time drumming on Thursday. We learned some songs that we had to sing along to the beat. We then each got a drum to copy the beat. It was so much fun!