Mission Statement

"We seek to enable children to reach their full potential

educationally, spiritually and socially

so that they may become all that God has created them to be."

Through Collective Worship at Heyhouses we aim to draw children and adults into a deeper understanding of their own personal faith and the teachings of Christ. Through the shared experience of school worship we hope that all may feel closer to God and gain spiritual resources for their daily life.

Our Christian Values

The HOPE Team worked with the rest of the children to choose our 10 Christian Values.

They are:

Love Trust Faith Friendship Hope
Justice Respect Peace Forgiveness Courage


In school we have a team of children from the Junior classes who meet to discuss, plan and contribute to worship and the promotion of our Christian ethos in school.

The children on the Heyhouses HOPE Team chose their own name with 'HOPE' standing for 'Home of Praise and Enlightenment.'

Collective Worship Policy

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