Welcome to Year Six
We have three classes in year 6; Ash Class is taught by Mrs. Quigley, Hazel Class is taught by Mrs Tobin and Cedar class is taught by Mrs Lambert and Mrs Elstone.
Life in Year 6
Year 6 is an extremely important year, preparing each child for smooth transition to High School. There are many responsibilities and opportunities to develop independence and maturity including many sports teams, School Council membership, House and Sports Captains, Gold Cap duties and Prefect duties.
PE days are Monday and Friday. Please come dressed in your PE kit for the day.
Winmarleigh Hall
During the Autumn Term, we begin the year with an exciting residential/outdoor activity trip to Winmarleigh Hall. This is a highlight of Year 6 and something that the children remember for many years after. We have found that this experience develops their independence, team work, year group cohesion and self confidence.
Children in Year 6 need to work particularly hard in all areas especially English and Maths, as they have assessments in Summer Term. Topics covered in Year 6 include World War 2, The Mayans, Rivers and Digital Wellbeing.
Homework is an exceptionally important part of Year 6 and is in preparation for the transition to high school. Each week children are expected to read every night, complete spellings homework, carry out subject specific research, become more independent and take some responsibility for their own progress.
Welcome to Ash Class
Ash Class is taught by Mrs. Quigley. Mr McKenzie teaches Music and Senora Cerdera, Spanish.
We are really looking forward to working with our class on many engaging projects. Please see life in Year 6 for further information.
Best Wishes,
Mrs. Quigley
Year 6 Ash
Mrs K. Quigley
Class Teacher
Welcome to Cedar Class
Cedar Class is taught by Mrs Elstone and Mrs Lambert. In addition, we have Music with Mr. McKenzie and Spanish with Senora Cerdera. We have a busy curriculum with lots of interesting subjects and we always try to squeeze in as much Art as we possibly can!
Cedar Class regularly posts photographs and updates on our Year 6 Blog so don’t forget to keep checking to find out what we’ve been up to.
Year 6 Cedar
Mrs C. Elstone
Class Teacher
Mrs J. Lambert
Class Teacher
Welcome to Hazel Class
Hazel class is taught by Mrs. Tobin. The children are also taught music by Mr McKenzie and Spanish by Senora Cerdera.
There is a lot to look forward to during this final year in Primary School and it is truly a year never to be forgotten!
Year Six is such an exciting year and, as the year goes on, there will be lots of photos showing what we have been up to! Please look at our blog to see what is happening.
Year 6 Hazel
Mrs E. Tobin
Year 6 Teacher
Home Learning spelling sheets will be handed out on a Friday and will be due back the following Friday. Rather than formal weekly tests which focus purely on recall, our Home Learning Tasks will now focus on applying key spelling concepts taught in lessons.
Spellings - Word list Year 3, 4, 5 & 6
Weekly Homework
Reading - Children are expected to read daily. Planners will be checked for a signature to confirm this on a Friday. There should be at least two signatures by Friday.
Maths - Homework will be given on a weekly basis. Usually given on a Monday due back in on the following Monday. This may include MyMaths and/or worksheets.
English - May be given over a couple of weeks as a project or on a weekly basis. Details can be found on here or in your planner.
Spellings - A Home Learning Worksheet will be given on a Friday and is due back the following Friday. There will be no formal list of words to be learned on a weekly basis.
The Year 6 SATs are to assess your child’s understanding of Maths and English against the National Curriculum learning objectives from Key Stage Two (Year Three to Year Six).
These will take place in May 2025.
What is assessed?
The reading test is a single paper with questions based on three passages of texts. Your child will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test.
SPaG Test
The grammar, punctuation and spelling test consists of two parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes; and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting around 15 minutes.
Teacher assessed using a range of writing throughout the year.
The children will sit three papers in maths:
Paper 1: Arithmetic, 30 minutes
Papers 2 and 3: Reasoning, 40 minutes per paper
Paper 1 will consist of fixed response questions, where children have to give correct answer to calculations. Papers 2 and 3 will involve a number of question types, including: multiple choice; true or false; and reasoning and explaining.
You will be given your child’s raw score (the actual number of marks they get), alongside their scaled score and whether they have reached the expected standard set by the Department for Education.
The expected standard for each test, is a scaled score of 100 or more.
Please see below for a Parents' Leaflet published by the Department for Education.
KS2 SATs Parents Information