Welcome to Year One
We are very excited for another busy and fun year. Here is some helpful information about life in year 1:
P.E. days for your child are MONDAYS and FRIDAYS Children come in school PE kit for the whole day. Please ensure that jumpers are named.
Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. This must contain water and not juice. Your child should bring a flat ‘book bag’ (available from the school uniform shop) to school each day for letters and reading books. Rucksacks are not advised as they are tricky to store in our classrooms. Children should bring a healthy snack each day. No crisps, sweets or chocolate and please remember we are a nut free school so check labels of all snacks you send to school. We do have children and staff with nut allergies, so this is vital.
Hair accessories
Please ensure that hair accessories worn to school are school colours (blue, yellow, white, brown, black). Long hair must be worn up in a bobble.
Meal Choices
The children will make their choices within school.
Show and Tell
On a Friday we can ‘Show and tell' special items such as certificates, medals, trophies, awards or models of a high standard or that have taken a lot of time and effort to create. Please note that children should not bring toys or items from home to school on any day.
Website and Communication
Should you wish to see curriculum overviews, photographs and learning updates please see our class pages on the school website. These are updated regularly. If there is anything else you need to know, we will send a My Ed message to you so please ensure you have access to the My Ed app.
Messages for teachers
Doors open at 8.45am and are locked at 8.55 am. Should you arrive after this time, you must take your child to the main office to be signed in. Should you need to get a message to your child’s class teacher, please inform the staff on the door at drop off as teaching staff are required to remain in the classroom in the morning. If you need to meet with the teacher about an important issue, please arrange an appointment through the office staff.
Reading Books
Reading books are changed every Friday. Please return these on a Thursday. Children will get 2 books along with an e-book on this day. Please sign the reading record to show us the book has been read.
Thank you,
The Year 1 Team
Welcome to Birch Class
We have 30 lovely children in our class and Mrs Wilson is our teacher.
We have lots of fun in our class. We learn through whole class learning at carpet times and small guided activities with our teachers. We are also developing our independence by learning through play and challenge activities around the classroom.
Year 1 Birch
Mrs L. Wilson
Class Teacher
Welcome to Maple Class
There are 30 wonderful children in Maple class and our teacher is Mrs Mason.
In Year 1 we learn to become more independent and enjoy a fun, creative curriculum. We will cover lots of great topics this year. Keep an eye on our year 1 blog for updates and photos of us and our learning.
Year 1 Maple
Mrs C. Mason
Class Teacher
Welcome to Pine Class
Pine Class is taught by Miss Glover.
In Year 1 we learn to become more independent and enjoy a fun, creative curriculum. We will cover lots of great topics this year.
Year 1 Pine
Miss H. Glover
Class Teacher
How you can support your child’s learning at home…
Daily reading would hugely benefit your child. However, a minimum of three times a week is required.
Essential Letters and Sounds
Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) is our chosen Phonics programme. The aim of ELS is ‘Getting all children to read well, quickly’. It teaches children to read by identifying the phonemes (the smallest unit of sound) and graphemes (the written version of the sound) within words and using these to read words. For further details and ways to support your child please click here.
In your homework book, you already have sound mats and common exception words for your child to practise both reading and spelling.
You can access free phonics games on the Phonics Play website: www.phonicsplay.co.uk (No login required.)
You can also practise recognising your sounds using the www.teachyourmonstertoread.com (free website, no login required.)
Year 1 Phonics Resources
Year 1 Number and Letter formation resources
Phonics Screening Check
The Year 1 phonics test occurs in the month of June when all year 1 pupils, and some year 2 pupils, will take a test to assess their phonics abilities. The test is designed to see if pupils have learnt phonic decoding and blending skills to an appropriate standard.
Please follow the links below to open past papers. Please support your child to ‘sound out’ and blend the sounds to read the real and nonsense words. To practise further tests with your child, please google ‘Phonics Screening Test’. This will bring up links to past papers from each year, beginning 2013.
Below are some examples: