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School Admissions 2025

School Places September 2025

You must apply if your child has a 4th birthday between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025.

You must apply even if an older brother or sister is already at the school, or the school is linked to your child's nursery.


15 JANUARY 2025 (www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools)

Please ring 01253 722014 to discuss your child's needs if there are specific requirements to meet.


Admissions September 2025

Welcome to the Admissions section of our website.  Here you will find all the information you will need to help you make your Primary School application.

All admissions are processed by Lancashire County Council and you will need to apply online from 1st September 2024 using the following link:


You must apply if your child was born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020.  Please apply even if an older brother or sister already attends the school.  Non-Lancashire residents must approach their home local authority. Blackpool residents must apply through Blackpool BC.

The closing date for applications for admission in September 2025 is 15th January 2025.

We prioritise applications received on time and a late application may reduce your chance of getting a place at this school.

As a Voluntary Aided Church of England School we also require you to complete an additional form which is a Diocesan Supplementary Information Form. Failure to submit this form may result in your application for a place in this school being considered against lower priority criteria as the Governing Body will have no information upon which to assess your Church attendance.  A copy of the Supplementary Information Form can be downloaded below. It is your responsibility to complete this form and return it to us. We will then contact your church leader to obtain a reference. The Supplementary Information Form can be either sent back via post or by e-mailing our admission department on admissions@heyhouses.lancs.sch.uk, to be received by January 15th 2025.

Many Churches now operate some form of signing-in system to ensure the accuracy of their faith references. Please check with your Church Leader to ensure you comply with any system in place. St Annes Parish Church use an Attendance Card, please speak to Fr David for further information.

The admissions offer for “on time” applicants will be available online on the LCC website from 16th April 2025. If you apply late (after 15 January 2025) you will receive an offer by post after 16 April 2025. If the date falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, offers are sent the next working day.

Where we are unable to offer a place because the school is oversubscribed, parents have the right to appeal to an independent admission appeal panel. Parents will have the opportunity to submit their case to the panel in writing and also to attend the appeal hearing in order to present their case. Parents wishing to appeal should notify the clerk to the governors at the school no later than 29th April 2025. You will normally receive 14 days’ notice of the place and time of the hearing.  Appeals which are received after the deadline will be slotted into the schedule where this is possible. There is no guarantee that this will happen and late appeals may be heard after the stipulated date at a second round of hearings. All appeals received by the deadline will be heard by 8th July 2025.

If we are oversubscribed, children who are not admitted can have their name placed on a waiting list. The children on this waiting list will be ranked using the admissions criteria from our admissions policy. Late applicants will be slotted into the list according to the extent to which they meet the criteria. Thus it is possible to move down the list as well as up. For example a child who moves into the area may have a higher priority than one who has been on the waiting list for some time. If a place becomes available, the child whose name is at the top of the list will be offered a place. This is not dependent on whether an appeal has been submitted. This waiting list will operate for the full autumn term.

Please take the time to read through our Admissions Policy for September 2025 which is linked below. This lists all of our Admission criteria in detail.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01253 722014 where we will be happy to help.


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Applying for a place during the school year

An in year admission is when you request a transfer to another school part-way through the academic year.  Moving to a new school is an important step for all children. It can affect children in many ways and decisions by parents to change school should therefore always be carefully considered. Further information on the things to consider can be found in the “Lancashire In Year Admission Leaflet” which can be downloaded below.

If you would like to look around our school, or enquire about the availability of places please contact the school office on 01253 722014.

In order to process your in year admission request we need to receive a completed “Application Form for In Year Admission to Lancashire Schools”. You can download a copy of this application form below.

On receipt of your completed form, if we have a place available in the relevant year group, we will contact you to make arrangements to admit your child. This will normally be from the start of the following term or half-term unless you are moving into the area and are without a school place.

If we do not have space to be able to admit your child because the relevant year group is full, you have the right of appeal to an independent appeals panel. The school office will provide you with the relevant forms if you wish to pursue an appeal.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01253 722014 where we will be happy to help.

In Year Admissions

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