Drumming in Year 3

Image of Drumming in Year 3

We had a super (and very noisy) time drumming on Thursday. We learned some songs that we had to sing along to the beat. We then each got a drum to copy the beat. It was so much fun!

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Circus Skills in Beech

Image of Circus Skills in Beech

We had a great time with Mark from Education Group who came in to teach us some circus skills. We learned to balance, juggle and aim. 

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MORE drumming!

Image of MORE drumming!
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A Visit From Hugh Templeton

Image of A Visit From Hugh Templeton
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Heart Of Art in Poplar

Image of Heart Of Art in Poplar
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Poplar go MAD for Drumming!

Image of Poplar go MAD for Drumming!
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Religious Education in year 3

Image of Religious Education in year 3

As part of our year 3 R.E curriculum, some children volunteered to interview Mrs Hodgson. 

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Mad Festival Week 1

Image of Mad Festival Week 1

We've had a very busy week in Year 3 doing lots of lovey art activities inspired by some of the best musicals, ballets and pieces of music. 

We have looked at the lion king and completed a sunset picture. We also know the story of Swan Lake and produced some beautiful oil pastel pictures as…

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Chinese New Year

Image of Chinese New Year

Poplar class were lucky enough to be visited by Sandra this afternoon. 

We learnt all about the traditions of Chinese new year and were even gifted with a RED PACKET! 


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MAD Science

Image of MAD Science

We had a really fun assembly when MAD Science visited us. They showed us lots of amazing sound tricks and made lots of noise! Some of the children will be attending the MAD Science after school clubs starting on Tuesdays after half term. 

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Beech Bee Assembly

Image of Beech Bee Assembly

We had a great time performing our bee assembly for our parents. We all said our lines beautifully and very clearly with big loud voices. Mrs Croston and Mrs Tate were very proud of us all.

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Champions of Striking and Fielding

Image of Champions of Striking and Fielding

Congratulations to the 20 children from Year 4 who placed in the top two winning teams at the recent striking and fielding event!

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