We have a range of extra-curricular activities available to children in Year 1 upwards. We also have a Ballet Club for children in YR-Y2.

After school clubs

Monday dodgeball year 3-6 

Children will go straight from their class and will need their PE kit. Pick up is 4:30.

Click here to book.

Tuesday advanced Karate 

Book through the parent app.


Wednesday football year 3-6

Children will go straight from their class and will need their PE kit. Pick up is 4:30.

Click here to book.

Thursday football year 1 and 2

Children will go straight from their class and will need their PE kit. Pick up is 4:30.

Click here to book.

Thursday beginner karate year 3-6

Book through the parent app.

Friday ballet Reception to year 2

Book through the parent app