At Heyhouses we aspire to be all that God has created us to be.

‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Philippians 4:13


Firm Foundations - Ambitious Learning - Flourishing for Life

At Heyhouses all staff play their part in keeping the children safe and secure in a wide range of situations. We work together to ensure that the children feel able to talk openly and are listened to when they need help. A growing area of concern is staying safe when using the internet.


Please click here to find further information on keeping your child safe when using the internet.

All staff are trained according to the Safeguarding and Child Protection statutory requirements. We have four members of staff who are the Designated Safeguarding Leads in Safeguarding and Child Protection. All policies and procedures are updated annually. We have an extensive Pastoral Care system within school which provides support for children and family members.

Please click here to view our Pastoral system.

If a parent/carer or member of the local community requires further information or help regarding safeguarding and child protection please contact the school office where we will be happy to help.

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Please see our visitors guide to Safeguarding Heyhouses:

Updated: 30/09/2024 269 KB

We have also included links to external organisations that maybe of some use. Please click on them to take you to their website.