At Heyhouses we have a team of governors that work as volunteers to support the school. Their role is to support and challenge the Headteacher, to help set the vision and strategic direction of the school and to ensure that our school is the very best it could be.

Governors have a wide range of responsibilities. These include tasks such as:

  • Ensuring that the school meets its legal responsibilities
  • Setting the school budget
  • Making decisions about the school building and premises
  • Setting school policies
  • Appointing staff and making decisions about current staffing
  • Looking at how well groups of pupils are performing and ensuring action is taken if there are any concerns.

We have three Full Governing Body meetings each year. During these meetings we look at a wide range of information to find out how well the school is performing. Mrs Hodgson provides a detailed Headteacher’s report at these meetings, but we also look at data and independent reports so that we can make our own decisions about how well things are going.

As well as the Full Governing Body meetings, there are a range of sub-committees which meet at least once a term and these meetings are attended by a subset of the governors. These committees are responsible for focusing on specific topics/areas ranging from standards of education, curriculum, fabric of the school buildings, staffing and finance. Individual governors also have “link” roles where they take on responsibility on behalf of the Governing Body for a specific subject/topic/year group. All outcomes from sub-committees and link roles are fed back as part of each Full Governing Body meeting. The chair of each committee is listed below:

  • Chair of Governors: Mike Wiseman
  • Vice Chair of Governors: Denise Brown
  • Chair of the Curriculum Committee: Denise Brown
  • Chair of the Finance and Staffing Committee: Mike Wiseman
  • Chair of the Buildings/Health & Safety Committee: Fr Glen Brooks
  • Chair of the Standards and Effectiveness Committee: Mike Wiseman
  • Chair of Admissions Committee: Denise Brown (meets annually)

Details of each governor’s committee membership are noted under each individual governor’s details below.

From 1 September 2015, governing bodies are also under a duty to publish the following information from their Register of Interests on the school website:

  • relevant business interests of governors
  • details of any other educational establishments they govern.
  • any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.

All details are listed for each individual governor below.

To support the work that goes on, governors also try to visit school as often as possible. We particularly enjoy talking to the children about their school and what they think about it. They are always keen to share their ideas.

We are proud to have a committed Governing Body that is made up of a team of individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.


All Governors can be contacted through the school office at or by phoning 01253722014.



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