Welcome to Year Two
Year Two is a wonderful year in which your child will grow and confidence and flourish as a result of many wonderful learning experiences. Here is some helpful information about life in year 2:
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Please ensure that jumpers are named.
Reading books are changed every Friday. Please sign the reading record to show us the book has been read, we expect your child to be reading at least 3 x a week.
Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. This must contain water and not juice. Children should bring a healthy snack each day. No crisps, sweets or chocolate and please remember we are a nut free school so check labels of all snacks you send to school. We do have children and staff with nut allergies, so this is vital.
Website and Communication
Should you wish to see curriculum overviews, photographs and learning updates please see our class pages on the school website. These are updated regularly. If there is anything else you need to know, we will send a message to you so please ensure you have access to the Parentapps Connect app.
Messages for teachers
Doors open at 8.45am and are locked at 8.55 am. Should you arrive after this time, you must take your child to the main office to be signed in. Should you need to get a message to your child’s class teacher, please inform the staff on the door at drop off as teaching staff are required to remain in the classroom in the morning. If you need to meet with the teacher about an important issue, please arrange an appointment through the office staff.
Welcome to Mulberry Class
Mrs Barnes teaches on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Wilson takes over on Thursday and Friday.
It's great fun in Mulberry class - we are always busy doing lots of exciting things!
Please check out the curriculum area of the website for more information on the fantastic things the children will be learning this term.
Year 2 Mulberry
Mrs J. Barnes
Class Teacher
Mrs V. Wilson
Class Teacher
Welcome to Rowan Class
Welcome to Rowan class. We have lots of fun in our class and enjoy lots of exciting lessons. Mrs Pomfret is the class teacher and on a Thursday morning Mr Fish comes in to teach.
Year 2 Rowan
Mrs L. Pomfret
Class Teacher
Welcome to Willow Class
Mr Fish teaches in Willow Class on Monday and Tuesday. Then Mrs Kimber teaches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In the first half term we will be out and about in our school grounds enjoying 'Wild at Heart' sessions - searching for mini beasts and enjoying everything our school environment has to offer.
Please check out the curriculum area of our website for more information on the fantastic things the children will be learning this term.
Year 2 Willow
Mrs N. Kimber
Class Teacher
Mr T. Fish
Class Teacher

Mrs N. Kimber
Class Teacher
Mr T. Fish
Class Teacher
Every Friday Year 2 have a spelling homework sheet based on class work. Please return by the following Friday.
Year 2 Weekly Spelling Practise
Year 2 SATs are no longer statutory in the UK, though we do still carry out our own end of year assessments along with every other year group, to evaluate how well children are learning and retaining the information taught. They are an indicator, to both teachers and parents, of which areas each child excels in and which areas they require further support in.
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