At Heyhouses we recognise that the creation of a supportive learning environment that encourages open dialogue about emotional wellbeing and mental health is essential to supporting the whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers). We recognise that a nurturing school ethos where every child feels safe and understood can pave the way for greater academic achievements and happier learners.

In order to support the Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs of all we aim to provide a compassionate school culture that recognises, values, and supports each student's unique mental and emotional journey.

We recognise that some children may need further support at times of stress and change in their life and seek to provide support at the earliest opportunity. We implement activities and programs that promote skills for learning which may include social skill groups to improve peer relationships, activities to enhance self-awareness and regulation, as well as consistent positive reinforcement to bolster self-esteem.

Occasionally, children will need a higher level of coaching and we have a dedicated Pastoral Manager, Rebecca Harrington, based in school full time. She can provide tailored support to an individual as and when needed and also link to parents and the home setting. Please see the Pastoral Care section of the website for further details.

Our Senior Leader for Mental Health is Miss R Harrington (Pastoral Manager).

Our Senior Leader for Mental Health works closely with Senior Leaders, Inclusion Leaders and Designated Leaders for Safeguarding to plan provision to meet the needs of children and families at Heyhouses. Provision is carefully planned in line with the Lancashire Continuum of Need.

For further details please see the Social, Emotional and Mental Health section of our Whole School Provision Map. Here you will find our graduated approach we offer to supporting SEMH.