Book Club


Book Club is back! 

After the phenomenal success of last year we are back. The children of year 3 and 4 last year reached over 550 reads at book club and this year we are hoping to beat it! Book Club is on Monday and Wednesday lunchtime in Beech Class and is open to all year 3 and 4 children. Children only need to bring their chosen book and their planner so that their read can be recorded.

This year we are joining forces with St Anne’s library to find children for our Heyhouses Reading Wall of Fame, more details of this scheme will be sent soon.

Each term book club attendance is rewarded with a certificate and at the end of the year the children with the highest attendance are awarded a trophy. Last years winners were Evie Rushworth and Calvin Jinil from Beech Class who attended book club 36 times each! 

For further information or any questions regarding book club please contact Mrs Norfolk.