Fairtrade at Heyhouses

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers.

Each year we recruit a Fairtrade Council from our Year 5 children.

At the start of each year we elect a very enthusiastic new Council made up of 4 children from each of our three Year 5 classes. These 12 children are being trained by 4 very keen Fairtraders from Year 6 who served on the council last year and are reluctant to retire!

Every Friday at morning break time the children run our Fair Trade tuckshop. The delicious chocolate cookies are our best seller!

We always have a Fairtrade stall at our Summer Fair too with lots of lovely toys, food and pocket money gifts.

If you have any ideas of other ways that we can support Fairtrade in school contact Mrs Bashora.