Welcome to our Before and Afterschool Club for Year 2 - 6!

For Years 2 - 6, Breakfast and Afterschool Club is based at the Infant Site and have our own dedicated classroom as well as use of the Infant Hall and Library. We also have direct access to the playground providing us with secure outdoor space to play.

Children attending the Before and Afterschool Club are taken across to the Junior Site in time for registration time in the mornings and at the end of the day the children are collected from their classrooms and brought over by Afterschool Club Staff. The majority of staff work in school during the day which provides continuity of care and familiar faces for the children.

The children enjoy a range of activities - arts and crafts, outside play, films, construction toys, puzzles or just catching up with their friends!

We provide a teatime snack and drink to keep the children going after a busy day at school.

You can contact us via email at afterschoolclub@heyhouses.lancs.sch.uk should you have any queries.

Mrs S Davies

Enrolment Form

Updated: 29/09/2022 48 KB

Welcome to Breakfast Club and After School Club for Reception and Year 1.


If your child is in Reception or Year 1 then your child will be based at Heyhouses Nursery. Please contact nursery directly to secure a place for your child at breakfast or after school club and for any of the relevant forms on hester.holdsworth@heyhousesnursery.co.uk


Mission Statement and Aims of the Before and Aferschool Club

"We seek to enable children to reach their full potential educationally, spiritually and socially so that they may become all that God has created them to be"

"The club aims to provide a safe, secure and relaxed environment for the children in our care.  We endeavour to provide an atmosphere and activities similar to those found at home"

Before and After School Club Handbook

Updated: 29/09/2022 294 KB

Please click below for a copy of our feeback form for the Before and After School Club.

We would be very grateful if you would take the time to fill out the form as it ensures that we can strive to provide the best possible care and  provision for your child/children

Thank you


Here are a few comments from some of the Parental Feedback forms already returned

"Brilliant staff- very friendly and appraochable"

"Jake has always enjoyed attending the Before and After School Club and the fact that he groans when I collect him is a testament to all your hard work. Thank-you! "

"Daya is happy at both Before and After School Club"


Parental Feedback Form

Updated: 19/12/2019 36 KB