Greek Day 2023
We all had a great time for Greek day and looked amazing in our costumes. We designed an Ancient Greek vase, played some Olympic Games and in teams researched an area of Greek life using the laptops. We all had a super day!
Children In Need Cake Bake
This morning, Year 4 children put on their Pudsy ears and held a cake bake. All the money raised will be donated to the Children In Need Charity.
Brass lessons
We're getting much better with our brass instruments. We have been practising Hot Cross Buns. The music to this is available in the music section of our Year 4 page, please practise at home.
Pink Day
Children in Poplar class have loved dressing up in Pink to raise money for a good cause.
Well done to Harrison and Jude for giving 100% effort!
Minibeast Hunt in Year 4
This week in Science we completed a minibeast hunt on our school grounds. We created a tally of how many minibeasts we spotted.
Welcome to Heyhouses.
We have been very busy settling in the children. Will update our blog shortly and their online learning journeys.
Thank you for your support.
Reception Team
Our First Brass Lesson
Today, we had our first brass lesson where we got our instruments out and played on them. We took them home and we are enjoying practising at home... so are our parents!
Each Monday we need our instruments in school for our Brass lessons.
End of Year Year 6 Awards
A huge congratulations to all our Year 6 trophy winners on their achievements this year. We wish everyone in this wonderful year group a very happy Summer and every success at High School in September.