Toga Tying

Image of Toga Tying

In History, we learned about the clothes that Romans would have worn. We learned lots of different things, ask us if we can remember one of the facts!

We then learned how to tie togas and had a practise on each other. Here are photos of us tying togas. 

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Ribchester Beech Class

Image of Ribchester Beech Class

Click to see all our photos. We all had such a good time in Ribchester. We saw the man bath house ruins, we explored a very old church. We met Patrick in the museum who talked to us about the Romans and we tried on some Roman helmets and held a shield and sword. We saw the Roman granaries ruins…

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Thank you Condover!

Image of Thank you Condover!

Thank you Condover! Full sunshine our whole visit - who would have guessed? We have had an incredible time and we are looking forward to telling you all about it!

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All good things come to an end….

Image of All good things come to an end….

Well, we have just finished our final activity this morning. We have packed up, stripped our beds and found owners for a pair of smelly socks, a toothbrush and a bedraggled teddy bear! Time for lunch and then it’s all aboard for the journey home.

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Worked up an appetite!

Image of Worked up an appetite!

After an action packed day we couldn’t wait for teatime! Got to keep our strength up for the Mini-Olympics this evening!

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Bright and bushy tailed and ready for action!

Image of Bright and bushy tailed and ready for action!

After dancing the night away, our children were up bright and bushy tailed to face the early morning challenges.

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We’ve Arrived!

Image of We’ve Arrived!

Year 6 arrived safely at Condover Hall yesterday afternoon. It was a very wet journey with plenty of torrential rain but when we stepped off the coaches the sun came out! After a quick lunch in the beautiful main hall, we embarked upon our first activities. Then tea and straight to the disco for…

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Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble!

Image of Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble!

What a brilliant workshop we had with Artefact Theatre Company yesterday! Each Year 6 class spent time working through the plot of Macbeth and acting out excerpts from the play. Such a tragic and dramatic play - yet we managed plenty of giggles along the way!

Thank you Artefact…

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Calamity Climate Change

Image of Calamity Climate Change

Year 6 watched an incredible performance by Artefact Theatre Company this morning all about Climate Change. This is a relevant topic for Year 6 as we will be learning all about global warming in our Geography lessons this year.  

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Roman soldiers

Image of Roman soldiers

In History this week, we learned about the Roman army and what the Roman soldiers wore and the weapons they may have carried. We then drew ourselves as Roman soldiers to make a testudo formation on our display board. I think we all make very good Roman soldiers. Click to see more photos.

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Yoga sessions

Image of Yoga sessions

On Wednesday we were lucky to have a special 30 minute yoga session. We had a very relaxing time and learned some new yoga poses. 

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Computing in year 3

Image of Computing in year 3

In year 3 we have been learning to touch type using Purple Mash.

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