Memory Lane

Image of Memory Lane

Year 6 had glorious weather this morning whilst walking over four miles around their home town. 

They picked out landmarks and attractions that evoked happy memories for them. These will feature in both their artwork and poetry writing over the next fortnight.

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Children in Need

Image of Children in Need

We have been rolling coins onto Pudsey’s face

to raise funds for Children in Need.

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Elm Roman Day 2022

Image of Elm Roman Day 2022

We had a fantastic day for Roman Day, please click continue reading to see lots of photos. 

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Birthday celebrations in Reception

This week the children have prepared for the surprise Birthday Party for the special Teddy in their class. Oak Class celebrated Roary the Dragon’s Birthday, Blossom class celebrated Ted the Bear’s Birthday and Sycamore celebrated Eddie the Elephant’s Birthday. On the day of the birthday, each…

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Children In Need Cake Bake

Image of Children In Need Cake Bake

As part of their charter task, Year 4 were challenged with raising money through a cake bake.

Well done to Year 4! They have raised a whopping £507.13 by selling some tasty baked goods!

All their proceeds will be donated to the Children In Need Chairty. 

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Poplar Perform at Blackpool Winter Gardens

Image of Poplar Perform at Blackpool Winter Gardens

Poplar Class took to the stage and performed like professionals at Blackpool Winter Gardens. They impressed the audience with their dance based on the book Matilda. At the end of the evening, they were greeted at the stage door with cheers alongside an uproar of applause. Heyhouses are extremely…

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Beech Roman Day

Image of Beech Roman Day

We had a fantastic day for Roman Day.  In the morning, we made catapults, played some Boccia and used special Lego to recreate Roman Villas. In the afternoon, we tasted different dips and completed a dip tasting sheet. We also learned Roman numerals and created some Roman mosaics. Everybody looked…

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Lest We Forget

Image of Lest We Forget

This morning, Years 5 & 6 walked to Ashton Gardens

to attend the Service  of Remembrance

at St Annes on the Sea War Memorial.

They represented Heyhouses School with

impeccable and respectful behaviour.

Thank you children.

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Image of PROUD!

Our Year 6 children were awarded their Prefect Badges at a special assembly attended by staff, children and parents.

They have now began their prefect duties around school and are proving to be fabulous ambassadors of Heyhouses.

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Perfect Portraits

Image of Perfect Portraits

Year 6 have been learning how to draw faces in proportion.

Here are some wonderful examples from Ash Class.

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'Wild At Heart'

We go for a ‘Wild at Heart’ walk each week where we follow children’s interests and encourage children’s exploration, curiosity, appreciation and respect for living things. Over this term, the children have been learning how to ask questions about the world through using their senses and…

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Fun at Fairhaven

Image of Fun at Fairhaven

Year Four had their first school trip today.

We ventured into our local area and visited the lake at Fairhaven.

There was lots of getting stuck in the mud, as we used scientific equipment to explore the muddy habitat in search of creatures. We found lots of Scrobicularias and learnt all…

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