Capacity in Maths

Image of Capacity in Maths

In Maths, we have been learning about capacity. We had a fun filled practical session where the children measured different volumes of water. 


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Book Club

Image of Book Club

Book Club is ran by Mrs Norfolk on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Beech Class. Children can bring their books and read to Mrs Norfolk on a Tuesday and Thursday. On a Friday, Mrs Norfolk reads a book to the children and they can talk about it. The book at the moment is The Worst Witch. Anyone is…

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Marvellous Magnets

Image of Marvellous Magnets

In Year 3 Science, we tested different materials to see whether they were magnetic. First we picked different objects around the room, then we predicted whether they would be magnetic. Then the fun part, we tested them with magnets. Finally we wrote our own conclusions to show what we had found. 

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WAH in Year 3

Image of WAH in Year 3

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Year 6 Artists and Poets!

Image of Year 6 Artists and Poets!

As promised, here is a wonderful selection of our Year 6 children’s Hometown poetry and artwork currently adorning our Year 6 corridor. 
Stunning work Year 6 - well done!

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Science in Action

Image of Science in Action

The children were intrigued by the ice that had formed in the playground equipment. Mrs Wynne asked what would happen if they took the ice inside the classroom. The children decided to put it on the radiator. This is what the children said about it 

“Now it’ll warm up and melt.”

“It’ll melt…

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Friction investigation in Year 3

Image of Friction investigation in Year 3

In Science in Year 3 we have started our new topic Forces and Magnets. Today, we investigated which surface had the least friction. We gave the children some equipment and they thought of how to make a fair test. They worked as a group to measure how far the car travelled along different…

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friction investigation

Image of friction investigation

In Science, we investigated which surface had the least friction. We gave the children some equipment and they thought of how to make a fair test. They worked as a group to measure how far the car travelled along different surfaces. 

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Year 6’s Pass the Parcel WITH FORFEITS!

Image of Year 6’s Pass the Parcel WITH FORFEITS!


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Year 6 Festive Maths Madness!

Image of Year 6 Festive Maths Madness!

Year 6 faced a festive maths challenge this morning. Working in small groups they had to work their way around the hall to work out some complex reasoning problems.

Their mission was to solve the clues and puzzles to discover the passcode number needed to reboot the candy cane machine so that…

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Merry Christmas!

Image of Merry Christmas!

Thank you for all coming to our Assembly, we loved singing some carols to you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Willow class snowball fight

Image of Willow class snowball fight

Today Willow Class had an indoor snowball fight. It was great fun! 

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