Brilliant Beech work

Image of Brilliant Beech work

Another excellent week for Beech Class home learning! You are all superstars. Click continue reading to see more photos.

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Beech Class wall of fame

Image of Beech Class wall of fame

We are celebrating all the fabulous work that the children have been doing at home. Click continue reading for all the pictures. If you haven't sent me anything yet, you still can and I will add it on. Well done Beech class, some super pieces of work. 

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Olive Christmas party time

Image of Olive Christmas party time

What a fantastic party! We have all had such great fun today, filled with laughs and Christmas cheer. In the morning we made some party crowns and place mats. Then we played some party games in the hall which were so much fun, we have definitely missed playing party games. In the afternoon, we…

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Christmas party Elm

Image of Christmas party Elm

We had a great time for our Christmas party. In the morning we made some party crowns and place mats. Then we went into the hall to play some party games. We all had such fun and it was so great to be able to have a party with our friends. In the afternoon we played pass the parcel and musical…

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Christmas party Beech class

Image of Christmas party Beech class

We had a fantastic time today for Year 3’s Christmas Party. In the morning, we played some party games in the hall. It was lots of fun. In one of the games, we were in teams and we had to walk (or waddle) with a potato between our legs then drop it into a basket, then pick it up and run back…

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Dip Tasting in Beech Class

Image of Dip Tasting in Beech Class

Today, we tasted the dips that we had designed. We all had great fun tasting our dips. Some of the dips that we made really surprised us, future chefs in the making! 

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Beech Elf Dash

Image of Beech Elf Dash

We had a great time on Friday for our annual Elf Dash. We all wore a Christmas Jumper and completed the golden mile around school in aid of Trinity Hospice.

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A Cracking Christmas Dinner

Image of A Cracking Christmas Dinner


Today, it was Christmas dinner day. We all really enjoyed our delicious Christmas dinner. We listened to Christmas music and got to pull  crackers. It was great! Click continue reading to see more photos.

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3D shape fun

Image of 3D shape fun

In maths today we were revising 3D shapes and their properties. First we played guess the shape, then we all got a ball of play doh and we had to try and make the shape that Mrs Croston was describing. Click continue reading to see more photos.


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Festive Digestive

Image of Festive Digestive

In Science this week, we have been learning about the Digestive system. We all became different parts of the body and acted out the roles. We had a great time and it was lots of fun. Click Continue reading to see more photos.

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Keeping healthy in Year 3

Image of Keeping healthy in Year 3

This week, we’ve been learning about different things that keep us healthy. In PSHE we learned that sleep is good to keep our minds healthy. We found out that a year 3 child needs about 10 hours sleep a night and we discussed our bed time routines. 
min Science, we are learning about the healthy…

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Ball skills in Year 3

Image of Ball skills in Year 3

The cold won't stop us from getting outside and getting active. This week in PE, we were playing games that involved 4 players against one. One of the games, we used a rugby ball and we could only catch it. One of the games was a football which we had to kick. Another game was bib tag which we all…

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