Cedar’s Calendar Gifts
These calendars took Cedar Class a long time to create but they are worth every minute of their hard work! Absolutely stunning pieces of artwork! I’m sure Cedar Class’ parents will enjoy receiving these gifts from their Christmas Stars!
Cedar Class Party Madness!
What a way to end the autumn term! Cedar Class had a blast today - partying in the hall; playing ‘Reindeer Dash’; Taking part in our class raffle and enjoying some party food and juice. A good time had by all.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Christmas Party Day in Year Six!
Hazel Class on the last day of term.
Well done everyone! You have all worked hard.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you in 2021!
Happy Chanukah from Cedar Class
Today Is the 8th and final day of Chanukah. We celebrated by lighting the Chanukah candles and thankfully managing NOT to set off the fire alarm! We also read the story ’Shmelf the Chanukah Elf’ and discussed all the Chanukah traditions.
Happy Chanukah Everyone!
Happy Christmas From Hazel Class
Hazel Class created these beautiful Christmas cards.
O' Little Town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie.
Olive Christmas party time
What a fantastic party! We have all had such great fun today, filled with laughs and Christmas cheer. In the morning we made some party crowns and place mats. Then we played some party games in the hall which were so much fun, we have definitely missed playing party games. In the afternoon, we…
Christmas party Elm
We had a great time for our Christmas party. In the morning we made some party crowns and place mats. Then we went into the hall to play some party games. We all had such fun and it was so great to be able to have a party with our friends. In the afternoon we played pass the parcel and musical…
Cedar’s Christmas Maths Mayhem!
Running around the hall trying to answer cryptic maths clues to solve Santa’s dilemma! It’s a race against time.... as the kitchen staff need to set out the lunch tables!
Christmas party Beech class
We had a fantastic time today for Year 3’s Christmas Party. In the morning, we played some party games in the hall. It was lots of fun. In one of the games, we were in teams and we had to walk (or waddle) with a potato between our legs then drop it into a basket, then pick it up and run back…
Christmas Time in Reception - Sycamore
We've all thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas season in Reception. We put on our costumes and performed our Nativity play. It was great fun! Our Christmas lunch was very tasty and we loved pulling the crackers with friends. We wore our Christmas jumpers to school to raise money for Save The Children…
Christmas Time in Reception - Blossom
We've all thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas season in Reception. We put on our costumes and performed our Nativity play. It was great fun! Our Christmas lunch was very tasty and we loved pulling the crackers with friends. We wore our Christmas jumpers to school to raise money for Save The Children…