Rocking Roman Day

Image of Rocking Roman Day

Success! We finally got our Roman Day. All the children looked absolutely fantastic in their costumes. We had lots of fun learning some Latin, making catapults, Roman PE, Roman numerals and designing Roman menus.

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Local History

Image of Local History

During lockdown, we gave Year Six the task of producing a project on a subject of their own choice. This was an extra challenge for those who wanted to go the 'extra mile'. One of our Year Six Learners decided to study the history of the Pleasure Beach. This excellent piece of work is extremely…

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Easter Blessings

Image of Easter Blessings

Year 6 Easter Card 2021

This year our Easter card has a focus about hope. From the crucifixion of Jesus, the victory of his resurrection, to the hope for the future of all mankind.

The background of the card represents a rainbow which, during this time of uncertainty, symbolises our hope for…

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Stone Age Weapons

Image of Stone Age Weapons

Our topic this term has been The Stone Age. 

In our DT lessons, we have designed and made our own Stone Age toolsand weapons! 

What do you think of our creations?

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Bumble Bee Kind

Image of Bumble Bee Kind

Tamarisk class have worked as a team to create this fantastic bumble bee!  

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What do we know about our major organs?

Image of What do we know about our major organs?

To begin our science topic about the circulatory system,

the children were asked to draw and position all the major organs

 on an outline of a human body. 

We then compared the results with the facts - a very interesting exercise! 

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The great magnet investigation

Image of The great magnet investigation

Science this week was to test which magnet was the strongest. We worked in teams of 3 and tested 3 different magnets, counting how many paper clips each one could hold. Click continue reading to see us all busy investigating.

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Image of Gymnastics

Year 2 showed off their bravery and athleticism during our gymnastic lessons.

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Training Session

Image of Training Session

This morning we have practiced our ball striking in our PE training session. 

We will use these newly developed skills in our rounders game next week. 

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Year 1 World Book Day 2021!

Image of Year 1 World Book Day 2021!


Here are a selection of photos from World Book Day 2021! We enjoyed sharing our favourite books with our friends and dressing up! We had lots of fun in school and at home and enjoyed book day themed zooms!

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Fantastic and Fun Fractions!

Image of Fantastic and Fun Fractions!

We have been focusing on fractions in maths.

Finding equivalent fractions and fractions of numbers. 

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Year Six - Back Together, Working Hard in the Classroom

Image of Year Six - Back Together, Working Hard in the Classroom

Full concentration as Year Six work on their Maths.

We are back where we belong at last!

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