Number Bond Hunt

Image of Number Bond Hunt

Mulberry class have been working on their number bonds. The children were given a piece of Numicon and challenged to find the corresponding piece to make 10.

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Pen license

Image of Pen license

Well done to Lois on achieving her pen license this week. She has worked extremely hard to join her writing beautifully. Super work! 

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Bench ball fun

Image of Bench ball fun

Today we played bench ball in PE. We were practising our team skills. Trying to find spaces to dodge in to and helping our team score goals. 

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Sensational sketching of Greek Vases















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Year 5 Drama

Year 5 are reading the novel Street Child by Berlie Doherty in their English lessons. We have been using different drama techniques to explore the characters.

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Romulus and Remus

Image of Romulus and Remus

Today we read the Roman myth Romulus and Remus. The children read the story in pairs and acted it out as they read. We saw some super acting and then they answered questions about the story. We also performed the story to the rest of the class.

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Researching Ancient Greece with Cherry Class

Image of Researching Ancient Greece with Cherry Class

We worked in teams to research Ancient Greek fashion, toys and games, sculptures and architecture, food and homes.  We created posters and presented our work to the class.

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Marshmallow Dream

Image of Marshmallow Dream

Today we had a lovely surprise when Mila brought in her chocolate that she had made at home following our ‘design a chocolate bar’ lesson last week. She had followed her design carefully and layered her chocolate with caramel and a marshmallow surprise in the centre. Mila kindly gave us all a…

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It's all Greek to Cherry!

Image of It's all Greek to Cherry!
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Cherry class Tasty DT Fun!

Image of Cherry class Tasty DT Fun!

Cherry Class enjoyed tasting different Greek foods as part of their research for Design Technology.

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Pine Gruffalo fun week 2!

Image of Pine Gruffalo fun week 2!

This week was our second week studying one of our class favourites 'The Gruffalo'. We had the best time making our very own Gruffalo crumble, writing our own recipes and even building our own characters from the story. We then imagined what our own woodland creature would look like, we painted…

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Pine Class Addition

Image of Pine Class Addition

This week our maths focus has been on addition. We have been learning the key vocabulary for addition as well as exploring different methods and equipment in the classroom to help us to solve addition problems. 


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