Maple class went on a Geography walk to explore our school grounds.

Image of Maple class went on a Geography walk to explore our school grounds.

Maple class had a lovely time going on a walk to explore all of our school grounds. When we went back to school we made fabulous maps to show the route we had taken and plot key features that we had seen on the way!

Click here to look at our photos.

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Maple Class found a Bog Baby!

Image of Maple Class found a Bog Baby!

Maple class read the story of Bog Baby and then went to the school pond to see if we could find our own Bog Baby! We found one! When we got back to class we made our very own Bog Babies and wrote captions for them. We also wrote instructions for 'How to take care of a Bog Baby!' The children did…

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Terrific Toga Tying

Image of Terrific Toga Tying

Today in history we had great fun! We learned about what the Romans used to wear as well as some strange facts about taking care of their hair. Did you know they used to apply bear fat and hippopotamus ashes to encourage their hair to grow? We then had a practical session of tying togas on our…

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Mud Dipping at Fairhaven

Image of Mud Dipping at Fairhaven

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Exploring habitats in our local area

Image of Exploring habitats in our local area

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Fun at Fairhaven

Image of Fun at Fairhaven

Year Four had their first school trip today.

We ventured into our local area and visited the lake at Fairhaven.

There was of getting stuck in the mud as we used scientific equipment to explore the muddy habitat in search of creatures. We found lots of Scrobicularias and learnt all…

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Exciting achievement

Image of Exciting achievement

Well done to Jess who got her pen licence today after showing consistently beautiful handwriting. You have worked very hard to earn your pen, well done! 

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Room rates rocket at the new Bug Hotel!

Image of Room rates rocket at the new Bug Hotel!

Poplar class have created a brand new bug base! 

They used a variety of natural materials to create a five star hotel! 

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Beech Ribchester Trip

Image of Beech Ribchester Trip

We have had THE BEST day today. We went on our trip to Ribchester, the children's first school trip since Reception. We had a fantastic day and all the children (and adults) thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We started by exploring the bath house ruins. We then met Matthew who told us all about the…

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Maple Class have loved learning about Supertato!

Image of Maple Class have loved learning about Supertato!

Maple Class have loved learning about Supertato. We have had lots of fun making our own Supertato's and Evil Peas, writing about the story, saving frozen vegatables and making a trap to catch Evil Pea! We had to find Evil Peas that were hidden around our outdoor area. The children loved coming up…

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Our Home Town

Image of Our Home Town

Year 6 have been writing poetry about their Home Town

and have created some stunning artwork to illustrate their poems.

Well done Year 6!

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Cedar Class Council

Image of Cedar Class Council

Welcome to our newly elected members of Cedar Class Council.

These children produced some fabulous posters and gave some

very persuasive speeches to Cedar Class this morning.

Congratulations on your new election posts.

We are looking forward to seeing you in action in the near…

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