Pizza Pizza!
As part of Lent, Mrs Hodgson is teaching us new skills. This week we learned how to make pizza. It was great fun and we got to eat it afterwards! We've heard a rumour that next week, we are making scones!
Brilliant Board Games
In English, we have been learning how to write instructions. We designed our own board game, then we wrote instructions for it. We then tested our instructions by playing our board games with a partner. It was lots of fun and we all did a great job at writing clear, easy to follow…
Rock and Roll in year 3.
In Science this term, year 3 are investigating rocks, soil and fossils. Today we have been classifying rocks by type into igneous or sedimentary. We also found a fun way to pretend different chocolates and cakes were rocks and sort them into igneous and sedimentary too. “Angel cake is…
The science ambassadors visit Reception
Written by Apple Class Science Ambassadors
In Reception on the 8th of February the Year 5 Science ambassadors went over to help om Reception with the Gingerbread man pathway. When they walked in, they saw a Giant's footprint. They measured the footprints with rulers, sequins, gluesticks and…
Packaging investigators
In DT this term, we are exploring packaging with the intention to create our own Easter egg packaging. In our lesson this week, we investigated existing Easter egg packaging and explored what materials they were made from as well as how they held their egg in place.
Year 6 Science at AKS
The science afternoons provided by AKS have been a real hit with year six children over the past half term. The children have taken part in an afternoon of physics and biology led by the AKS professors. They have learnt to build intricate electrical circuits and use a microscope to identify cells…
Safer internet day
On Tuesday, it was Safer Internet Day. Year 3 learned about the SMART rules for keeping safe online and made posters to help us remember them.
Year 2 Micro Habitats around School
Year 2 went on a mini beast hunt to see who is living at school. Please click here to see more photos and some excellent work.
Capacity in Maths
In Maths, we have been learning about capacity. We had a fun filled practical session where the children measured different volumes of water.
Book Club
Book Club is ran by Mrs Norfolk on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Beech Class. Children can bring their books and read to Mrs Norfolk on a Tuesday and Thursday. On a Friday, Mrs Norfolk reads a book to the children and they can talk about it. The book at the moment is The Worst Witch. Anyone is…
Marvellous Magnets
In Year 3 Science, we tested different materials to see whether they were magnetic. First we picked different objects around the room, then we predicted whether they would be magnetic. Then the fun part, we tested them with magnets. Finally we wrote our own conclusions to show what we had found.