Pine Class Teddybear's picnic
On our first day in Pine class we all brought our favourite teddy to school and we had a super day playing with them in our new classroom! We then had a teddy bear’s picnic and played games outside. Here are some of our pictures!
Mini Beast Hunting
Poplar had the task of searching the school grounds for a variety of invertebrates today.
We thought about the type of habitats we could find these creatures in.
We then classified the creatures that we found and considered why they liked their habitat.
Exciting news in Beech Class
Today, two of our super stars in Beech Class were awarded their own pen licenses. This means they can now use a pen to write in their books. They both present their work beautifully and join up consistently. A huge well done! There are lots of other children who are very nearly there, so watch…
Times tables fun
We had lots of fun practising our 2 times tables today. We played a board game to help us remember our multiplication and division facts.
Marvellous maths
The children have been showing off their maths skills today. We were very impressed with how hard they worked. We have been adding to and subtracting from a given number. Keep up the excellent work.
PE in Year 3
Click continue reading to see more photos. We have had a great first PE lesson in the juniors. All the children tried extremely hard and showed off some super skills. We practised running races, an obstacle course and did some throwing and catching in pairs. We all had lots of fun. The weather was…
Beech class 21/22
We have had a great first two days in Beech Class. The children have settled really well into the juniors. Well done!
Olive art
We had fun on our first afternoon in Year 3 painting some self portraits.
Beech Class 2021/22
We had a great first day in Year 3. In the morning we decorated name cards for our new teachers as well as some get to know you bunting. In English, we created a list of nouns we could see in a scene from Hansel and Gretel. In maths we completed some place value activities. In the afternoon we…
A shirt signing frenzy in Hazel Class today!
Thank you Hazel Class for a brilliant year - different, but equally special!
Thank you for the kind and thoughtful gifts, cards and messages, very much appreciated. Best Wishes to you all for your onward educational journey.
From Mrs. England…
In Maths today we were exploring Tangrams. Tangrams are ancient Chinese puzzles. We cut up shapes and arranged them to make different pictures.
Year 3 Charter
Today, we celebrated our year in Year 3 by having our charter assembly outside. We were all congratulated on our hard work through a very tricky year and were given certificates. We took lots of photos, we hope you enjoy looking at them.