Maple class colour assembly

Image of Maple class colour assembly

Maple class loved performing their colour assembly. Every single child was fantastic and Mrs Mason was so proud of everyone!

We hope you enjoy looking at the photos from our performance!

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Seriously tasty soil pots

Image of Seriously tasty soil pots

Today in science we had the best lesson! Click continue reading to see all the photos. We were learning about the different layers of soil. To help us remember the layers, we used different types of chocolate to represent the different soil layers. See if your child can remember the different…

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On Friday, the local firemen came to visit year 3 to give us a fire safety talk. We talked about why smoke alarms are so important and why it is a good reason to know your fire exit route, even in your own home. We learned how to stop, drop and roll thanks to Josh. Oscar also showed us how hard it…

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Jubilee art

Image of Jubilee art

The children have been creating Jubilee art which can be bought as a mug or tea towel. The artwork has been send home as well as the accompanying letter which details the products and prices.

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Thank You Matt the Dentist!

Image of Thank You Matt the Dentist!

Today Year Four had a visit from Matt the Dentist. 

We are so thankful that he chose to spend his day off with us. 

We learnt lots of interesting information about teeth and how to keep them healthy. 

Matt proved that dentists aren't that scary after all! 

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Pen licenses!

Image of Pen licenses!

Well done for achieving their own licence. They’ve both worked extremely hard and been determined to get their licence. 

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Volcano Dance

Image of Volcano Dance

In Dance this week, we created a whole class volcano dance. 

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Eggtastic time in DT

Image of Eggtastic time in DT

This week in DT we have been testing our packaging designs. We put an egg (hard boiled of course) and then dropped our packaging from different heights. Only one egg survived in Elm, can you guess who it belonged to?

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Condover Hall.... Let the Adventure Begin......

Image of Condover Hall.... Let the Adventure Begin......

Year Six are heading off for their residential visit to Condover Hall in Shropshire.

A chance for everyone to gain independence, to challenge themselves and to have fun with their friends!

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Cave paintings in our makeshift cave.

Image of Cave paintings in our makeshift cave.

We entered a Cave today and created our own art work. Some of us drew around our hands, some of us sketched animals, some of us used our fingers to smudge the chalk.

We all found it difficult to draw in the dark, with only a little light to guide us. We would never have imagined what it would…

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Smile for the Camera!

Image of Smile for the Camera!

In our Science lesson we used a plaque revealing tablet to show the importance of cleaning our teeth. 


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Pass us the tooth brush! The results are in!

Image of Pass us the tooth brush! The results are in!

Today Poplar class explored the findings from their Science experiment. 

We were surprised to see the effects different drinks had on the shells (representing enamel) of these eggs (representing teeth). 

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