Year 2 and 3 Buddy Day

Image of Year 2 and 3 Buddy Day

Today, Year 2 and Year 3 had their Buddy afternoon. We worked together with our buddies in small teams and completed a treasure hunt with a mathematical theme. After this we had a lovely, cool drink of juice and a biscuit. We then were able to have a play on our playground with our buddies. It was…

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Girls Football

Image of Girls Football

The girls in Year 2 had a super extra football session on Thursday 9th March. They learned to pass, dribble and had a great time. 

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Willow class snowball fight

Image of Willow class snowball fight

Today Willow Class had an indoor snowball fight. It was great fun! 

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Maple class colour assembly

Image of Maple class colour assembly

Maple class loved performing their colour assembly. Every single child was fantastic and Mrs Mason was so proud of everyone!

We hope you enjoy looking at the photos from our performance!

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The Colour Monster!

Image of The Colour Monster!

We loved reading the story of The Colour Monster. We then decided we would like to make our own monsters! We did a fantastic job of making our own monsters and then we did some fabulous writing about our creations! We hope you enjoy looking at them!

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Super scientists in Maple Class!

Image of Super scientists in Maple Class!

We had great fun carrying out an experiment with Skittles! We predicted what would happen when we added warm water to the Skittles and then we carried out our experiments. We loved observing the changes that we saw! We hope you enjoy looking at our photos!

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Christmas in Birch

Image of Christmas in Birch

Birch Class have enjoyed designing our own stickman following an exploration of the story. We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party and are feeling very festive!


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Birch Victorian Day

Image of Birch Victorian Day

Birch enjoyed Victorian Day. We used chalk boards, did Victorian dancing, made peg dolls and played with toys from the past. We hope you enjoy looking at these photographs of the day!


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Victorian Day in Maple Class

Image of Victorian Day in Maple Class

Maple Class had a fabulous day on Wednesday. It was Victorian Day and we did lots of different activities. We wrote on chalkboards, played with Victorian toys, made peg dolls and even did some Victorian dancing! 

We hope you enjoy looking at our photos from the day!

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Birch remembers

Image of Birch remembers

Today we explored Remembrance Day. We made our own poppies to remember the soldiers past and present. 


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Maple remembers

Image of Maple remembers

Today Maple class explored all about Remembrance Day. We made our own poppies to remember soldiers past and present.


We hope you enjoy looking at our photos of us with the poppies we made.


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Maple Class Autumn adventures!

Image of Maple Class Autumn adventures!

Maple class made the most of the Autumn sunshine and went for an Autumn adventure around the school grounds. We really enjoyed exploring our outdoor area and found lots of signs of Autumn! We hope you enjoy looking at our photos!


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