Sensational sketching of Greek Vases















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Year 5 Drama

Year 5 are reading the novel Street Child by Berlie Doherty in their English lessons. We have been using different drama techniques to explore the characters.

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Researching Ancient Greece with Cherry Class

Image of Researching Ancient Greece with Cherry Class

We worked in teams to research Ancient Greek fashion, toys and games, sculptures and architecture, food and homes.  We created posters and presented our work to the class.

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It's all Greek to Cherry!

Image of It's all Greek to Cherry!
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Cherry class Tasty DT Fun!

Image of Cherry class Tasty DT Fun!

Cherry Class enjoyed tasting different Greek foods as part of their research for Design Technology.

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It's all Greek to me!

Image of It's all Greek to me!

Year Four spent the day living like an Ancient Greek! 

We prepared and cooked flat bread, participated in the Olympic Games and learnt a Greek song. 


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Feed the birds!

Image of Feed the birds!

Poplar class served a 3 course meal for the wildlife today. 

For starters we made the birds Pine Cone Feeders. The main course was a delicious kebab with a selection of fruits, seeds and bread. Pudding was a healthy choice of an apple filled with seeds. 

We hope the birds give us a 5*…

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Music Maestro!

Image of Music Maestro!

Year Four have been given their brass instruments today!

The children have a selection of trumpets, cornets, baritones and trombones. 

Welcome to our 9 Poplar Trombone players! 


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P.E. Afternoon in Year 5

Image of P.E. Afternoon in Year 5

Year 5 have made a great start to their Thursday afternoon P.E. sessions in the glorious sun! The children have listened well and worked hard to apply the skills being taught. 

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Mini Beast Hunting

Image of Mini Beast Hunting

Poplar had the task of searching the school grounds for a variety of invertebrates today. 

We thought about the type of habitats we could find these creatures in.

We then classified the creatures that we found and considered why they liked their habitat. 

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An afternoon filled with Art!

Image of An afternoon filled with Art!
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