Welcome to Year 3 2023/24


Elm class is taught by Mrs Tate

Beech class is taught by Mrs Thornton.

Olive is taught by Mrs Townsend and Mrs Rodriguez. 


Useful information


Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please come into school in your PE kit. Please remember this is black shorts, white PE top and Heyhouses jumper or the new PE kit from the uniform shop in colder months. Once your child has been in Year 3 for a few weeks, we will assign them to houses and they will be given a colour. You can then purchase their coloured PE top from the school uniform shop. 


Pick up and drop off

From Clarendon Road North, walk down the path and follow the building round to the right on to the Year 3/4 playground.  Beech class is the first classroom you will come to then Elm class then Olive class. 
The doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 8:55. Pick up is 3.30 from the Year 3/4 playground. 



Please continue to read at home and record in your planners. We expect your child to be reading 3 times a week. We will hand out chapter books in the Autumn term for those children that are ready. Your child may also continue to read books from home or the public libraries and record these in their planners as their weekly reads. We want to encourage reading for pleasure. 


Pencil cases

Your child may bring in a pencil case to keep their belongings. Please ensure this is not too deep as the drawers are only shallow. 


You may send your child to school with a healthy snack. Please do not send crisps, chocolate or sweets. We are a nut free school and have a severe nut allergy in Year 3. We also have a tuck shop to buy toast (20p) tea cakes (30p) or crumpets (30p).

We have lots of fun in Year 3, please see our Blog to see what we have been doing in school. 

Welcome to Elm class!

 Mrs Tate is our class teacher.

We have lots of exciting topics to learn about in Year 3 including the Stone Age, Romans and the importance of the honeybee.



Homework is set on a Friday and to be completed by the following Thursday. This is often an online homework. 

Please ensure you read with your child at least 3 times a week.

Year 3 Elm

Mrs A. Tate

Mrs A. Tate

Class Teacher



Welcome to Beech class!

Hello and welcome to Beech Class, Mrs Thornton is our class teacher. 

We have lots of exciting topics to learn about in Year 3 including the Stone Age, Romans and the importance of the honey bee.


Homework is set on a Friday and to be completed by the following Thursday. This is often an online homework. 

Please ensure you read with your child at least 3 times a week.

Year 3 Beech

Mrs J. Thornton

Mrs J. Thornton

Class Teacher

Welcome to Olive Class!

Mrs Townsend and Mrs Rodriguez are our class teachers. 

We have lots of exciting topics to learn about in Year 3 including the Stone Age and the importance of the honey bee.



Homework is set on a Friday and to be completed by the following Thursday. This is often an online homework. 

Please ensure you read with your child at least 3 times a week.

Year 3 Olive

Mrs S. Rodriguez

Mrs S. Rodriguez

Class Teacher

Autumn 1 Spellings (click here)

Autumn 2 Spellings  (Click here)

Spring 1 Spellings (Click here) 

Spring 2 Spellings (Click here)

Summer 1 Spellings (Click here)

Summer 2 Spellings (Click here) - The first test will be on Thursday 15th June. There will be no spelling test in the last week of term. 

Times Tables 

Times tables are tested on a Monday. Your children will have brought home some times tables sheets to practise from. We will be testing 12 questions made up of both multiplication and division. For example 

5 x 10 =
10 =

Summer 2

Monday 19th June - 12 x table test

Monday 26th June - 12 x table test

Monday 3rd July - Heyhouses 100 test (all times tables)

Monday 10th July - 8 x table test

Monday 17th July - no test Happy End of Term! 

Summer 1

Monday 15th - 9s times table 

Monday 22nd - no test due to MAD Festival

Spring 2

Monday 20th February - no test 

Monday 27th February - mixed test on all learned so far 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11

Monday 6th March - 7 times table

Monday 13th March - 7 times table

Monday 20th March - Mixed test on all learned so far

Monday 27th March - No Test 

Spring 1

Monday 9th January - mixed 3x and 4x test (multiplication and divisions)

Monday 16th January - mixed 6x and 8x test (multiplication and divisions)

Monday 23rd January - 11x table test (multiplication and divisions)

Monday 30th January - 11x table test (multiplication and divisions)

Monday 6th February - Heyhouses 100 test -Mixed test of all tables 

Autumn 2

Monday 14th November - 8 times table multiplication and division

Monday 21st November - 8 times table multiplication and division

Monday 28th November - mixed test from all those learnt so far (2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8 tables)

Monday 5th December - 6 times table multiplication and division

Monday 12th December - 6 times tables and divisions. 

Autumn 1

Tuesday 20th September - 10 times table. 

Monday 26th September - 2 times table. 

Monday 3rd October - 5 times table.

Monday 10th October - 3 times table.

Monday 17th October - 4 times table

Please use Times Tables Rockstars to help you practise your times tables.     Click here for TTRockstars.
Another excellent website that the children love using is Hit the Button on Topmarks, click here for the link. 



Homework will usually be set on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday (unless specified). 


Please read at least 3 times per week and record in your child's planner. Reading can be books from school, home or public libraries. When reading with your child, please try to ask them questions to help their understanding and comprehension skills. The leaflet below shows example questions that they will be asked in comprehensions in class and during assessments. 

If you would like a pdf of this bookmark, please click here

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