Lots of children have been asking Mrs Townsend for the shortbread recipe that was used to make the shortbread today. By popular demand, here it is;
Makes about 15 biscuits depending on size of cutter. Can be doubled to make more. Store in an air tight container for a tasty snack.
2oz caster sugar
4oz butter or margarine
6oz plain or self raising flour
Weighing scales
Mixing bowl
Rolling pin
Baking tray
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
1. Measure the sugar and margarine into a bowl and cream together.
2.Then add the flour.
3.Using a spoon then hands bring together into a ball.
4.Roll out on the worktop and either cut into fingers or using a cutter make into rounds.
5.Place on a baking tray and cook at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes. Checking after 5 minutes.
6.Once cooked sprinkle with caster sugar and share!
Could be something easy to make to give to that special person on the 19th March.